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Ad ID: 29481
Added: 520245
Views: 3223
Lipa Na M-PESA Bulk Payments
Sole Proprietor
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Copy of Business Registration
- Individual or company KRA Pin (Mandatory for bank settlement)
- Copy of Identification Documents of Persons Opening the account i.e. Copy of the National ID / National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
- Copy of Utility Bill or Business Photo to confirm existence of the Business
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
Limited Liability Company
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- A stamped copy of the certificate of incorporation
- Original stamped /or company sealed Board Resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating:
- Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the company
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal of funds on behalf of the company (not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- KRA pin certificate ( for company and Directors)
- Copy of CR12 –WITH VALIDITY PERIOD OF 90 DAYS/or Annual Returns with filling receipt
- Copy of Utility Bill or Business Photo to confirm existence of the Business
- Copy of Identification Documents of all directors and persons Opening the account i.e .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
8. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
Private Schools
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- A stamped copy of the certificate of incorporation
- Original stamped /or company sealed Board Resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating:
- Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the company
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal of funds on behalf of the company(not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- KRA pin certificate ( for company or Directors)
- Copy of CR12 –WITH VALIDITY PERIOD OF 90 DAYS/or Annual Returns with filling receipt
- Ministry of Education license
- Copy of Identification Documents of all directors and persons Opening the account i.e .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
Non-Governmental Organization
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Copy of Certificate of Registration
- Signed Letter on letter head from the NGO Board confirming Registration and existence including officials
- Original Stamped /or company seal board resolution on NGO letter head signed by at least two directors (Committee) within 30 days stating:
- Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the NGO
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the NGO(not mandatory)
- Copy of Identification Documents of Directors i.e Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
Partnerships(Include Firms Such As Accountants And Advocates)
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Copy of Partnership Deed /OR Affidavit
- Copy of Certificate of Registration
- Individual or company KRA Pin
- Copy of Identification Documents of all partners and persons Opening the account i.e. Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals)
- Copy of Utility Bill or Business Photo to confirm existence of the Business
- Signed Letter from the partners (on company letter head) indicating:
- Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the company
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the business(not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
- Latest audited/unaudited financial statements
Denominational Churches Brances Of Mainstream churches E.G Catholic ,Anglican
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Copy of Certificate of Registration
- Letter from the headquarters of the church signed by at least 2 church officials introducing :
- Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the church
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the church(not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- Verification of existence of the church by providing church photo /or copy of utility bill
- Copy of Identification Documents used by head priest/ pastor and Signatory Officials i.e .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
Non-Denominational Churches
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Copy of Certificate of Registration
- Letter from the church signed by at least two church officials introducing :
- Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the church
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the church(not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- Verification of existence of the church by providing church photo /or copy of utility bill
- Copy of Identification Documents used by head priest/pastor and signatory Officials I .e .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
Co-operative Societies/Saccos
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Copy of Certificate of Registration as a cooperative society
- Original Stamped committee board resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating:
- Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the society
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the church(not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- Copy of Identification Documents of all directors and signatory officials i.e. Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
- Audited financial statements
Saccos -With Front Office Savings Activity (I.E Deposit Taking)
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Copy of Certificate of Registration and Trade license for the Sacco
- Signed Letter from SASRA confirm Sacco Registration on letter head :
- Original Stamped committee board resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating:
- Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the church(not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- Copy of Identification Documents of directors and signatory officials i.e. .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
- Completion of SAFARICOM AML/KYC
- Audited financial statements
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Original Stamped board resolution on institutions letter head signed by at least two directors within 14 days stating:
- Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the company
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the company (not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- Copy of Identification Documents used by Signatory Directors and users to be created in M-Pesa i.e Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
- Audited financial statements
Commissions/ Semi-Autonomous Gok Institutions
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Act of parliament and or gazette notice forming the
- A letter from the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the line ministries requesting:
- Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the institution (not mandatory)
- Purpose of till
- A letter from the institution’s Head on official letterhead forwarding the above
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
- Latest audited/ unaudited financial statements
- Copies of identification documents used by directors
Government Sponsored Schools
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- A letter of introduction signed by the board of governors from the DEO/County Education Director authorizing opening of the account; or, a circular letter from the Ministry of Education authorizing :
- Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the school
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the school (not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- Copy of identification documents used by the Board signatory’s, Chairman, Head of School and School Bazaar i. e the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
Central Government – Ministries/Government Departments
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- A letter from the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the line ministries requesting to have :
- Authority of the institution to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the institution (not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- A copy of the letter from National Treasury
- A letter from the District Accountant forwarding the above documents
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
- Latest audited/unaudited financial statements
- Copies of identification documents of all directors
Devolved Government E.G Counties
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- Letter from the County Committee Executive signed by accounting officer stating:
- Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Purpose of the till
- Copy of Identification Documents of signatory officials i.e. Copy of National Id/National ID number as captured on Military ID/Passport/Alien Id
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
Financial Institutions (Micro- Finance Institutions, Investment Companies, Banks
- Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
- A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
- Copy of CR12 –Validity period of 90 days /OR Annual returns with receipt
- Original Stamped /or company seal board resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating :
- Authority of the branch to open a pay bill account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the institution (not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- Kenya Revenue Authority PIN Certificate(company and directors)
- Copy of identification documents used by the Directors and bank signatories. i.e the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals
- A certified copy of the Financial Institution’s Annual license from the authorizing
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
- Completion of SAFARICOM AML/KYC
- Audited financial statements
IMT( International Money Transfers)
- Duly filled and signed application form & Signed T&Cs for money remittance companies
- Copy of CR12 –Validity period of 90 days /OR Annual returns with receipt Company KRA Pin
- CBK remittance license
- Copy of identification documents used by the Directors and bank signatories. i.e the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals
- Original Stamped /or company seal board resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating :
- Authority of the branch to open a pay bill account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
- Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the institution (not mandatory)
- Purpose of the till
- IMT contract signed by at least 2 directors
- Audited financial statements
- Policy on sanctions screening
- End to end remittance process flow/mechanism
- Filled in AML questionnaire
- Certified copy of certificate of incorporation
- Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
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