2013 KCW Toyota land-cruiser Prado with sunroof 7 seater
Category : Cars For Sale in Kenya
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very clean Asian owner Nissan WINGROAD KBQ
Category : Uncategorized
VIEWS: 1,282 Automatic transmission 1500cc 2004 Asian owner 108667km mileage Call 0724260188 Go to www.chapchaphosting.com for CARS,LOANS,CAR HIRE,PLOTS etc GET FREE Ksh 500 via MPESA by clicking this link ??https://bit.ly/2tdmgt9 OR https://bit.ly/2sKE1Ru the
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50 Acres at Embu touching river Thimba near Mecca sisal 13 km off the main Highway
Category : Uncategorized
VIEWS: 1,270 50 Acres at Embu touching river Thimba near Mecca sisal 13 km off the main highway going at k sh 500k per Acre.
Toyota hilux double cab on offer
Category : Language
VIEWS: 1,234 Asian owner Accident free 5 SEATER 112343km mileage 2004 3000cc Diesel powered Call 0724260188 Go to chapchap-market.com for CARS,LOANS,CAR HIRE,PLOTS etc GET FREE Ksh 500 via MPESA by clicking this link ??https://bit.ly/2tdmgt9 then invite your f
2010 Mitsubishi RVR white blue silver etc available
Category : Kenya
VIEWS: 1,210 4 available Different colours Automatic transmission 2000cc 2010 45886km mileage Call 0724260188 Go to www.chapchaphosting.com for CARS,LOANS,CAR HIRE,PLOTS etc GET FREE Ksh 500 via MPESA by clicking this link ??https://bit.ly/2tdmgt9 OR https://b
Toyota PRADO auto Asian owner with SUNROOF
Category : Cars For Sale in Kenya
VIEWS: 1,297 Automatic transmission Diesel powered 3000cc year 2000 has sunroof 7 SEATER full leather Hot deal Call 0724260188 Go to chapchap-market.com for CARS,LOANS,CAR HIRE,PLOTS etc GET FREE Ksh 500 via MPESA by clicking this link ??https://bit.ly/2tdmgt9
TOYOTA landcruiser VX v8 100 séries
Category : Cars For Sale in Kenya
VIEWS: 1,190 Automatic transmission well maintained no single dent accident free very clean and driven privately by an Asian VX year 2000 100 series Call 0724260188 Go to chapchap-market.com for CARS,LOANS,CAR HIRE,PLOTS etc GET FREE Ksh 500 via MPESA by click
2012 facelift of a 2004 Range Rover VOGUE
Category : Cars For Sale in Kenya
VIEWS: 1,197 Sunroof leather seats Hot deal No single dent