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How To Qualify or Eligible For KCB MPESA Mobile Loan Qualifications

Steve Oke Chapchap Market 26/01/2025 No Comments

VIEWS: 313 KCB M-Pesa KCB Mpesa which is a partnership between the Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) with Mpesa through Safaricom was founded in 2015. KCB M-Pesa allows one to borrow without necessarily saving with KCB. The money loaned is sent to one’s Mpesa account. KCB Mpesa Menu in integrated on Mpesa in all registered Safaricom lines. KCB M-Pesa offers 50 shillings as the minimum loan limit and 1,000,000 shillings as the maximum loan limit. The loan accumulates interest at a rate of 1.16 percent per month with a one-off negotiation fee of 2.5 percent. A month’s loan attracts a cost of 3.66 percent of excise duty applicable to fees. To increase your loan limit on KCB Mpesa, one must be active in their Mpesa transactions. It is important to note that KCB M-Pesa and Mshwari are accessible through Mpesa Menu on Safaricom registered sim cards and KCB Mpesa is also […]

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