1000+ Well Paying Kenyan Government JOBS For Youth. Share If you Care

Steve Oke Chapchap Market 26/01/2025 No Comments

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SHARE SHARE SHARE with All youths in Kenya. 1000+ Well Paying Kenyan Government JOBS For Youth. Share If you Care. APPLY FOR FREE

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Government Jobs Kenya

Assistant County Commissioner/ Assistant Secretary ( 450 Positions)

Massive Recruitment at Ministry of Interior & Cordination of National Government


Salary Scale:   Ksh.30,170   – 40,060 p.m.     (CSG – 11)

House Allowance:  Ksh.4,200 – 10,000 p.m (depending on duty station)

WHATSAPP STOCK LIST GROUP https://bit.ly/3SQ396Y Mobile phone LOANS go to like MPESA https://bit.ly/3oXrWpy WIN 200 USD go to https://bit.ly/Win-2USD Or https://shorturl.at/pvK5G
I have made ksh 200,000 (2,000 USD$) in less than 6 months after INVESTING ONLY ksh550(4 USD$) Join via below link https://shorturl.at/pvK5G and start making DAILY CASH by Referrals watching ads playing game etc EARNINGS PROOF 👉👇https://bit.ly/Proof-Screenshot Get trained by billionaires by JOINING FREE WEBINAR & Make up to 1,000 USD per month via AI https://bit.ly/3ZqDea7 (CHEAP FAST SAFE HOSTING) Build Your own website for FREE go to https://bit.ly/3AEBFe6 Kindly Check My website https://chapchapmarket.co.ke For BEST DEALS in Kenya on cars, Real Estate etc. POST FREE ADVERTISEMENTS too. You can Pay As low as 30% Deposit and 70% in 60 MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS via Bank Finance. We offer trade in, bank finance, REAL ESTATE, CAR HIRE etc INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/chapchapmarket/ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chapchapmarket Facebook https://bit.ly/3Osng8G Telegram https://bit.ly/3drhmR2 My Whatsapp Wa.me/254724260188

Commuter Allowance: Ksh.4,000 p.m Leave Allowance:  Ksh.4,000 (once yearly)

Medical Cover:   As provided by the government

Terms of Service:  Three (3) years Contract (Renewable subject to satisfactory performance)

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have a Bachelors Degree in any Social Science or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya.

Duties and responsibilities

This is the entry and training grade for National Government Administrative Officers cadre.  The officer  at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.  Specific duties and responsibilities will include:

Jobs For Youth in kenya

Field Administration Services

overseeing implementation of National GET LOANS via TITTLE DEED/LOGBOOK in 12 HOURS & LOANS Via MPESA in less than a minute No security required

Government development projects in the area of jurisdiction;

carrying out general administrative duties;

coordinating disaster management;

coordinating the maintenance of law and order;

initiating peace building initiatives; ‘ identifying persons for national and civil registration;

coordinating campaigns against drugs, alcohol and substance abuse; and

ensuring security of Government property, assets, facilities and inventory.

Duties and responsibilities in a Ministry/Department headquarters include:

general office administration;

assisting in handling general public complaints;

compiling returns, daily operational and incident reports;

collecting and collating data for preparation of speech briefs and report writing; and

updating biodata of administrative officers.


Applications are invited from qualified persons for the positions shown below.

Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications ONLINE through the Commission website: www.publicservice.go.ke or jobs portal: www.psckjobs.go.ke

Please Note:

Candidates should NOT attach any documents to the application form. ALL the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the form. It is an offence to include incorrect information in the application. Details of academic and professional certificates not obtained by closure of the advert should not be included.


Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.

Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.

The Public Service Commission is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition and merit, representation of Kenyans diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to men and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities.  THEREFORE, PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, THE MARGINALIZED AND THE MINORITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.

Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and transcripts during interviews.

It is a criminal offence to present fake certificates/documents.

Serving officers shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview.

Applications should reach the Commission on or before 2nd June 2020 latest 5.00 pm (East African Time).

Interested and qualified? Go to Ministry of Interior & Coordination of National Government on www.psckjobs.go.ke to apply
[5/16, 22:16] +254 733 603494: Assistant County Commissioner/ Assistant Secretary ( 450 Positions)

Massive Recruitment at Ministry of Interior & Cordination of National Government

Salary Scale:   Ksh.30,170   – 40,060 p.m.     (CSG – 11)

House Allowance:  Ksh.4,200 – 10,000 p.m (depending on duty station)

Commuter Allowance: Ksh.4,000 p.m Leave Allowance:  Ksh.4,000 (once yearly)

Medical Cover:   As provided by the government

Terms of Service:  Three (3) years Contract (Renewable subject to satisfactory performance)

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have a Bachelors Degree in any Social Science or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya.

Duties and responsibilities

This is the entry and training grade for National Government Administrative Officers cadre.  The officer  at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.  Specific duties and responsibilities will include:

Field Administration Services

overseeing implementation of National Government development projects in the area of jurisdiction;

carrying out general administrative duties;

coordinating disaster management;

coordinating the maintenance of law and order;

initiating peace building initiatives; ‘ identifying persons for national and civil registration;

coordinating campaigns against drugs, alcohol and substance abuse; and

ensuring security of Government property, assets, facilities and inventory.

Duties and responsibilities in a Ministry/Department headquarters include:

general office administration;

assisting in handling general public complaints;

compiling returns, daily operational and incident reports;

collecting and collating data for preparation of speech briefs and report writing; and

updating biodata of administrative officers.


Applications are invited from qualified persons for the positions shown below.

Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications ONLINE through the Commission website: www.publicservice.go.ke or jobs portal: www.psckjobs.go.ke

Please Note:


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Candidates should NOT attach any documents to the application form. ALL the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the form. It is an offence to include incorrect information in the application. Details of academic and professional certificates not obtained by closure of the advert should not be included.

Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.

Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.

The Public Service Commission is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition and merit, representation of Kenyans diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to men and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities.  THEREFORE, PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, THE MARGINALIZED AND THE MINORITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.

Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and transcripts during interviews.

It is a criminal offence to present fake certificates/documents.

Serving officers shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview.

Applications should reach the Commission on or before 2nd June 2020 latest 5.00 pm (East African Time).

Interested and qualified? Go to Ministry of Interior & Coordination of National Government on www.psckjobs.go.ke to apply

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